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Accepting Proposals for 2024 MEM-Seed Grants

Updated: 11/21/2024

We are pleased to announce a call for proposals for 2024 UW MEM-C Materials Research Seed Grants, open to all members of the UW materials research community. The proposal deadline* is November 27, 2024 at 5:00 PM PST. For a copy of the full MEM-C Seed Grant call with submission instructions, UW researchers should contact their departments who all received the full details via email from MEM-C Director, Daniel Gamelin.

An applicant must hold a faculty-level appointment at the University of Washington to serve as Principal Investigator (PI). An applicant may serve on only one proposal as PI, and as an investigator (co-PI or PI) on no more than 2. All proposed research must be clearly distinct from ongoing externally funded research and must involve the collaboration of two or more UW research groups. Current MEM-C senior investigators may not receive MEM-Seed funds but can be listed as unfunded collaborators.

MEM-Seed grants are intended to provide short-term funding to help initiate exciting collaborative materials-research projects on campus, with the longer-term goal of supporting new research directions that will expand MEM-C’s research activities beyond their existing scope. The MEM-Seed program aims to augment the Center’s focus areas: IRG-1, IRG-2, AI Core, our broader impacts efforts, and our PREM activities with UCF and UH. There are two types of Seed Grants: Multidisciplinary Team Grants and Exploratory Seed Grants.

If there are any questions about the program, contact MEM-C’s Grant Manger, Kelly Olenyik (

* Note, that because the due date on this news post was originally listed as 12/02/2024, proposals will be accepted until that date without any penalty, if needed.